Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day One

Well before I start with my first day in India I shall regale the flight. It was long very long, during the trip it was entirely night. I left when it was dark, got to Newark when it was dark, the fight was dark, and got to Delhi when it was dark. I had a very long night full of very small and physically cramped naps. While in Newark Sean (my cousin for those readers who don't know) took me to a sweet burger joint (called the burger joint) and I had a very American last meal of a cheese burger, fries, and a beer. awesome. I figured that people compared Mumbia to New York and crack so I should at least get a taste of New York without crack first.
Anyway the first night in Delhi was a long one because I couldn't sleep. The first thing you must understand about India is that all Indian should be def from all the honking. There are no rules to the road. For example the hotel I stayed at was on a one way street, instead of going around the block we simply just went towards on coming traffic horn blaring. When we got there I realized that there also seemed to be no block that we could have gone around anyway.
When I awoke at 4:50 am (actually I had been awake for some time) we barely escaped another gauntlet of cars, people running in the road, bikes (motor and peddle), buses and rickshaws to the train station (apparently people don't sleep in Delhi). So to cut this off kind of short we took a long train to Derhadun and I have met many people so far that I will be working with (they all seem great). They gave me a cell phone and told me that I get free incoming calls. I have no idea what this would cost anyone else but you all should call me at 0091 9358209745. If it is very expensive I can call you for cheap, it is only a cuppla Rt. a min. (so about nothing). Well that's it for now everything is great and Indian chi just somehow better here.


  1. Hey Curt! Glad you made it safe and getting started. Dad took Nick back to OSU today (Sunday) and I've already moved my sewing back into your room. Let us know about your host family and what your work is like. Lots of Love Mom

  2. Hi Curt! It seems between Sean, Sierra and your Mom I had a perfect tracking system on you. At least until you left the US. Please check the Langeberg Blog as I just posted some photos from Odell that you might enjoy. Its great you arrived there with no mishaps in your travels. Its so amazing you are are in India! Enjoy and keep up the blog. Love, Lorene
