Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The head bob is real

People are very nice here and when some are listening they do this little Indian head wobble back and forth rotating on an axis through their nose out the back of their head. So far no problems. Don't worry mom people aren't that nice. Just to let you all in, my mothers biggest fear was that I would go to India and marry some beautiful erotic India woman. People have not been that nice (although its a long trip and it is only day 4). HA! No, but the majority of people that I see are sick and luckily I have the immune system equivalent to ten men so I have had no problems so far. I mostly feel completely lost in the doctors explanations of what is going on with the patient and what is on the chart. Oh, well I am still and undergrad, and they don't mind explaining.


  1. curtis! you are so far ahead of me as far as blogging goes. It has been quite ridiculous but also amazing. you have inspired me to start being prompt with my posts. also, the head bob IS real. i actually have had some misunderstandings because i think they are saying no but really they are saying yes or something like that. i have been going to school for two days now but have yet to start my classes because there is literally no organization to the university. anyway things sound great and oh! let me give you my phone number: 9789010954 (i'm not sure if there is a state code or something but if so the state is tamil nadu)

  2. Hey Curt, Thanks for the updates, although there is still time for you to meet plenty of beautiful exotic Indian women. And some of them might even be nice! What is the town like you are staying in? What do you eat for breatfast? Is it very 'americanized' there?
    Love ya Mom
