Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Location: India

Ok, so I have created this blog so people can follow my every move (ha), I hope to have frequent posts. Anyway so after an amount of time that I am not going to divulge, I have decided on a blog name: Ramblings from the Land of Holy Cows, (tell your friends!) and thus this page.

I am posting a map of India and where Ill be living for the next 10 weeks (as dictated by the red arrows) Derha Dun and Mumbia.

If it doesn’t come out right here’s a google maps link

Anyway for those who don’t know here is a brief synopsis of my trip; my flight is out of Portland Jan. 2nd( AAARRGGHH 9 days!) to New Delhi via Newark. I will then spend the night in Delhi and a driver will then take me to Derha Dun. There I will be living with a host family for 5 weeks while observing doctors and working in hospitals. For the second 5 weeks I will be living in Mumbia, in my own flat doing the same.

I am now going to finish my smoothie, watch the blizzard outside and continue to listen to music that you should be jealous about not listening to.

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