Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Day Did Not End There

So after the last post I took the long steep walk back to Landoor (yeah that's it real name) community hospital. There I ate dinner and watched a pirated version of Quantum of Solace (there was little sound) and then as I was about to fall asleep I was shocked awake by morning and yelling, not quite screaming but almost. I let this go on for a min. and then lept from my hospital bed, to see if anyone needed help. See my room is right next to the operating theater and so I knew there had to be some surgery about to happen and it turned out to be some crazed pregnant lady who was going in to have a C-section. I was whisked in to observe. As I was watching the doctor cut the mother open and a huge burst of liquid came shooting out at me. It did not fly far enough to hit me, and I made an attempt to dodge it anyway, I was very glad that it did not because I would have thrown up, passed out or a combo move of both. Any this all happened at 11:30, the baby was fine but it was good to do the c-section because the cord was wrapped around its neck! Afterward I got some sleep, at least a bit.


  1. talk about the coolest program ever. wow, pretty soon you'll be doing the surgeries. I keep picturing you in a run-down hospital with your hands in the air saying "gahhh, what's going on!?!"

  2. Haha! that's a great story... flying placenta! I'm surprised they don't have some sort of sneeze guard, you know, like subway.

  3. Oh my goodness! Curtis - I guess if you are lodging in a hospital you might encounter some interesting night life. We went to the Taj Palace (our local Indian place in Bend) last night and the owner said there is a month long festival that's just starting - something of a harvest thing. Do you see any signs of harvest or of festivals? Love Ya!

  4. Curtis - That's wierd...the last comment was not from Tex it was from your Mother. She used my computer at work yesterday and I can't figure out how to change the posting as thingy. So I'll get some help later Mom

  5. Thanks mom, love you too. The hospital is very of nice, compared to others here (theres a flat screen tv!)But I am told they are lacking many things. I mostly stand, wide eyed, slightly bobing as to bend my legs so they are not locked so I dont faint. But I will admit I cant say I dont "gaahh" or "woha"'s.

  6. YA,the 1st time I saw a C-section I thought it was pretty wild too. Don't think there was any big burst though ( I was a student at the old St.Charles hospital)just a pair of twin babys.
