Monday, January 19, 2009


I am back here in Derhadun! The end of the week in Missurie was nice. I walked around looking at the view of Doon valley, the mountains while listening to music (this ipod has been a god send! and it plays movies!) and reading. I observed two more tubectamies (how ever you spell it) and then a surgery on a kids wrist who had an axe accident (ouch!). Two tendons and a major nerve where repaired, it was amazing. So in total I witnessed 3 tubectamies, 1 hip replacement (as I was leaving the old man was walking with a walker!) a C-section and this hand thingy. So six total. The drive back down the hill was uneventful, besides the old car only having one wiper that only kind of worked (yes I know if I say more I am a hypocrite), as it rained for the first time. This week I am working with a pediatrician and an internalist, so its back on the wickrams, which I just found out are actually Vickrams but people pronounce the V as a W. I just booked my flight to Mumbai on the 7th for 60 bucks! It will take 2 hrs and Ill be in a city which when I say I am going to people gasp and say "Oh, Mumbai is crazy"! Until then I will be here in the north, I am thinking that I will go to the Taj Mahal for the weekend, which takes an overnight train so I will go, take a picture and then get back on the train (HA!). Oh well, it may be my only chance. For this next week I am going to a small village which has very little power and no Internet. Ill have an update of the week before then.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Curt,
    What was it like being over there on inauguration day?
