Monday, January 5, 2009

Just another Monday Morning

I had my first Monday in the Derhadun Government Hospital. It was wild the doctor saw about 50-ish patients in 3hrs and he sees about 200 a day. There where lots of heart mummers to listen to and a lot of people who had who knows what. The doctor was a cardiologist so he was only seeing people who had been refered with a heart or circulation problem. The only way I had any idea what was going on was due to Erin and Paul, two 4th year med students at WSU from Alaska. The doctor would look at a paitent and chart say some stuff in Hindi and then tell us what was going on. Paul and Erin would then explain it to me. Dr. Yoashi said I was a baby cardologist. Anyway I have more to do tonight.
The host family is really nice, and the food is awesome. I am sharing a room the Paul and we have our own bathroom. It is suprizingly cold, but not cold enugh to wear a jacket just enugh so I wouldent want to wear shorts and sandals. Its funny everyone asks if I am cold because they are used to the heat.


  1. a baby cardiologist? sweet. do you even know how the heart works? haha.

  2. Wow 200 people a day? sounds very busy! keep the updates coming! :)
