Friday, February 6, 2009


This is much like the last post, I am halfway done with the trip. I am currently in a shady Internet cafe at the end of a dark, small walkway, off an alley, off an on/off ramp (traffic direction has little meaning here) from the highway that my hotel is on, in Delhi. The last week in Than Goan was nice, it was the same as the previous week, full of peaceful walks, yoga at dawn and dusk, intermixed with reading and playing with Shoe. We did go on what they call the "Super Hike", on Tuesday. It was over a 2,000ft climb up the hill behind Nature Quest (the place I was staying) to a small village where we held clinic. It took us 4 hrs, it would have been quicker, but Dr. Paul is old and the guy carrying all the meds (80-ish lbs?!) had to rest frequently. It only took us 2 hrs to come hike down, when I say hike you should be imaging a kind of running semi-controlled fall, down a mountain. The week was nice and I left Than Goan happy that I had spent the last two weeks there, and after letting Shoe attack my Birkenstocks for one last time I made the journey back to the labyrinth hotel (my room is the one at the top of right hand stair case after the diangle stairs) in Delhi. I have my flight details and I am flying to Mumbai in 3 hrs (I cant forget to get food first). If the first half of the trip was any indication the second half should be a ride, because thats what the trip has felt like, being shot though space or something, with me screaming AAAHAHHHHHHH the whole way. Anyway I am off to one of the biggest cities in the world which has the largest slum population on Earth (I am sure you can wiki some other cool facts too). Look out below: AAAHHHHHHHHH.

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