Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 21!

The trip is going by very fast! This week most of all thus far. It doesn't seem like I have done much, yet I have been busy. On Tuesday Paul, Erin (two others in my rotation) and I decided that we did not want to finish out the week with our evening doctor because he was not the most helpful, or talkative person. The two days we observed him we mostly just sat there in his office as he filled out forms, sat and looked at the floor, or not in the room at all. So instead we arranged it so we could observe Dr. Vorha (pediatrician) in both the morning and evenings for the rest of the week. So I have spent the last few days with babies staring at me, which they seem to like do if I don't accidental don't scare them. Most kids here are bundled up to the max, which is funny because it is warm here (I am in a T, and not just because that's all I packed!) but the mothers are very concerned about the cold. Also the mothers are not the only worriers because most mother-in-laws take charge of their grandchildren, telling the mother how to raise her kid. Family dynamics are very different.
On Wed. I watched the presidential inauguration! YEAH! It was cool to see here in India. Most people are glad, but some say that Bush was good for India, so they don't care too much. Though in the news paper I did see how an entire class of a school wore Obama masks (it was creepy), so in general I think people are very happy, but it is hard to tell because Indians are very diplomatic in everything they say (always with the head wobble).
This week I have spent much of the week looking for a cord to connect my camera memory card to the computer, which I got on Wed. I would use it now....but I cant find the connector cord from the card holder thingy! HAHAHA! I know what you are all thinking, and I cant help but say, what do you expect! HAHAHA! Its got to be in or near my stuff, its just a matter of time (or ill buy a new one HA!). How I got to this country, or not choke on my own spit, Ill never know. HA!
In about 4 hours I am going to the bus stop and taking a bus to Agara, to see the Taj Mahal! It is something like a 10 hr drive so Ill be pooped. I will meet a driver at the bus stop and he will take me around all day, then back to the bus stop where I will get back onto a bus and take the drive back Derhadun so I can be back on sunday morning to leave for Tangoun. For the trip I am taking a bag with: ipod, camera, jacket, and basically nothing else, yeah, its called an adventure, I hope to not fall asleep in the middle of it.HA! That's week 3.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Curtis, Thanks for the update! Glad you have some say in how the week goes. Well take lots of pic. we will end up seeing them when you get home anyway. Have a fun trip to The Taj Mahal! Wow! Love ya Mom
